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Not Your Father's

Metalforming is
Innovation • Purpose • Creativity



“Students need a direct path and a vision of forecasting future job placement trends. As a Human Resources manager and a mother of two, I strongly encourage parents to educate their children on the benefits of pursuing a career in metalforming for several reasons.”
- Amy, Human Resources Manager, Universal Metal Products



 “Kurt learned that manufacturing companies now pay for schooling while giving him experience in his field. When Kurt was 23 years old, he purchased his first home and at the age 24, he bought a new truck. He is now 25 years old, will receive his journeyman’s card this year… he is grateful for the career choice that was made available to him without any student loan debt.”
- Mary, mother of Kurt, electrician apprentice at Anchor Manufacturing Group, Inc.  



“I knew a traditional 4-year college was not the right fit for Jeremy so when he was offered an opportunity to co-op at a manufacturing facility…he jumped at the chance. It was the best decision he ever made: he loves his job, is going to the local technical college at no cost and earns as he learns.”
- Renee, Mother of Jeremy, maintenance mechanic apprentice at Waukesha Metal Products

Metalforming Jobs Are Everywhere, Including Your Neighborhood

The metalforming industry is so diverse and expansive that virtually every neighborhood in America has at least one local metalformer in their community. Most of these companies are family-owned companies whose products directly impact their local community, if not the world at large.


Phone: (216) 901-8800
Fax: (216) 901-9190

6363 Oak Tree Blvd.
Independence, OH 44131


For updates and resources.
